Thursday, October 8, 2009

I don't care if it's Thursday, I have to do a "Not Me!" post. It's just required. And because I'm so not computer savvy and don't have any earthly idea how to add the link to my blog post, know that I got this idea from MckMama.

It was definitely not my child who tried to poke the poor dogs eye out earlier this week. Definitely not Emme.

Emme absolutely, positively did not try to set the house on fire during nap time by melting a plastic tube of cold sore medicine on Josh's nightstand light. Nope, not her.

Nor did she wake up at about 5am today because of the thunder and lightning, proceed to come in the living room and turn on the lights, pull all the blankets and pillows out on the floor, make a bed for herself next to the dogs kennel, take off her pull-up and put on a swim diaper, get all of her Play Dough out and spread teennnnyyy tinnnnyyyy little pieces all over the carpet (all while using her new kids cookbook, of course), and spill a huge cup of water on the kitchen floor. She totally didn't do that. I have such great mommy senses that I always know what my children are doing, even at 5am.

And I'll go ahead and assume Ellie just did not shove half of her snack cup of Rice Chex into Josh's speaker. Sorry, Babe.

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