Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Josh and I last year in STL for our anniversary.

This is my favorite baby picture of Emme.

Well, I wish I had something super exciting to share today. Hmmm...Yesterday Emme got sick. She woke with a slight fever so I gave her some Tylenol and then by lunch she was just miserable. She's got a pretty aggressive fever as it won't even totally go away with Tylenol. I've been dosing right at every 4 hours in hopes that it will break soon. We made french toast this morning, so I'm sure that'll help. :)

Last night we had NuNu's (Uncle Daniel) 18th birthday dinner. It's always nice to sit and chat. We did have to leave a little early because Emme broke down and just begged to go home.

Josh is in class this week at JCCC learning a new language for development. He gets out at 4 and it's so nice having him home a littler earlier in the afternoon. He sure is an awesome Daddy!

We're going to Applefest in Weston this weekend with a bunch of friends. I think we'll let Em pick some apples and a pumpkin. This is such a fun age because she actually gets excited about doing these kinds of things. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures. I need to look for a cute fall outfit for both of them!

I think Em is going to be Tinkerbell for Halloween. We've been practicing "Trick or Treat".

I know most of this is about Emme but right now all Ellie does is sleep and eat. Just a few more months...

Guess I better attempt to get something done for the day in case the sickness rears its head again.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Emme on her first day of preschool. Doesn't she look 4 and not 2.5?

It's a monumental day in our house. This is Ellie's first ponytail.

The torture has already started- and she's only 3 months here.

I thought I should start a blog to keep track of what the girls are doing. It gets so hard to keep everyone updated so I thought this might come in handy. Now it's all up to you!

Ellie is doing so much better. She was diagnosed with a severe milk allergy, severe silent reflux and Delayed Gastric Emptying (DGE). She's on Neocate (it's a RX formula) for the allergy, Nexium for the reflux, and Erythromycin for the DGE. The day she started the Erythromycin she was so much happier and has been pretty much since then. Thank you, Lord! I think He knew Josh and I couldn't take much more of the screaming! We're still having trouble getting her to go to the restroom like she should, but I'm sure that will all work out with time and getting her tummy on track...finally.

Emme is showing her personality more and more each day. She's very dramatic and sensitive...I have no idea where she got that. ;) She says the funniest things. The other day while I was taking her to preschool, the stoplight had just turned green and she told me, "GO LADY! YOU KIDDING ME!?". It was hilarious and after I contained myself I had to tell her that we didn't talk to Mommy that way. She has been having a bit of an attitude lately and is the epitomy of Miss Independent. "EMME DO IT!", is what she always says. She's doing awesome on the potty and has woke dry most mornings. I'm sure she could go all night without a diaper but right now I barely have time to take a shower, much less wash her sheets every day. (Maybe I should get off here then?) She, unfortunately, has started liking Barney. I've heard her the past few days singing the "clean up" song while she was picking up her toys. She's able to say her first Bible verse which she learned at preschool. She calls me "punkin'", "honey" and "buns" most of the time. "Doing, Punkin'?" "Hi, Buns!"She's getting better and better at counting- when she wants to. She has become an extreme Mommy's Girl lately- which I'll admit can be very overwhelming. Sometimes I just want to pee in peace! I don't feel that's too much to ask! :)

We don't have anything too thrilling going on during the day today. I need to get some storage tubs to clean out the girls closets and get that all stored away. There is always tons of laundry and dishes to be done. Bottles need to be washed. We all have to get baths. Blah blah blah. The list is never ending.