Saturday, January 10, 2009

For myself:

4 hour schedule finally achieved at 6.5 months.

7am: wake and feed
830-11am: nap (meds at 10:15)
11am: wake and feed
1230-3pm: nap
3pm: wake and feed
445-530pm: catnap
630pm: feed
700pm: bed
Ellie has an appointment at the STL Children's hospital on 2-10. They're reading over our case this weekend and are going to call Monday to say if they know of what tests they'll run, etc. We're still going to Columbia for the reflux stuff (as far as I know right now at least) but have decided to cancel our appointment with the Ped GI there because he won't read her case or anything beforehand. She's also started shaking within the past week. Not terrible but shaking nonetheless. Shaking like you do when you haven't eaten in a while or have had too much caffeine. Hopefully we'll figure something out. I've found a few things I'm going to ask about but don't want to post them yet so no one freaks. Lol. :) Better run. Emme needs a snack! That bottomless pit!

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