Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Where does the time go? I didn't realize it had been so long since I've posted. Oh well. :)

Christmas was great. Emme made out like a bandit. So much so that we had to clean her toy box out and gather up a trash bag of toys to take to Goodwill. She got a dollhouse, lots of clothes, books, hair stuff, etc. You know, all the girly necessities! Ellie got clothes, diapers, a few toys, stuff like that. It was a really great day! No, I didn't get any pictures. Yes, I know I'm a bad mom.

Emme is doing great. She's just talking up a storm. Sometimes I just forget how little she still is. Josh got me a card for Christmas where you can record a message on it and Em left, " I love you, Mommy! Merry Christmas!". I just burst into tears like a blubbering idiot. It's so easy to forget how tiny their voices still sound, especially when you talk with them everyday. She is currently obsessed with Ratatouille (the movie) which she calls "Gooeyrat". She loves, loves, loves to cook (she really is my child) and Papa got her a Sesame Street cookbook for Christmas. I know she is going to have a blast using it! She is starting to be somewhat bossy with Ellie. When Ellie starts fussing she'll say, "No, Ellie. No crying! I'm right here!". It's too funny. Or if Ellie is sitting on the table in her Bumbo and tries to grab something, Emme is quick to correct her and remind her that she is just too little for M & M's.

Ellie is super. She got another tooth the other day. Can you believe it!? She's almost 7 months. She's doing super with her solid foods. We can add sweet potatoes and bananas to the allergy list. Her banana reaction was bad, too! I'm really not looking forward to having an EPI pen in my purse for her, but hey, it could be worse. Better safe than sorry! She's having quite a few good days now. She's babbling a lot. She loves to jump in her doorway jumper. (Thanks, Dad and Shannon!) She's rolling allll over the place. I put her at one end of the rug in the LR this morning and she was at the other end in a few minutes. She's got the chubbiest cheeks ever. She doesn't have dimples like Emme so her smiles is a MAJOR wrinkley nosed smile because the cheeks have no give.

Better run for now! I'm in desperate need of a shower!

Congrats to my dear friend and her hubby on expecting their first! I couldn't be happier for you! Love ya, girl!

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