Thursday, October 2, 2008

It has been quite a day! Ellie seems to think she doesn't have to take a nap. The effects of that are an overly tired baby who then cries even more because she's so tired. Thank the Lord for headphones and loud music otherwise I might be more insane than I already am. :) She may have finally given up though...go figure; she eats in an hour. I had to post a picture to remind myself of how cute she can actually be. :) I know all you moms understand.

Emme was back to preschool today and was just thrilled because they got to learn about firetrucks. She had a lot of fun the past two nights watching baseball with Daddy during her "cuddle time". She's really catching on and actually understands the premise of the game. Such a smart girl! She is convinced that every game that is on is Nunu's "balldame" and when they (the Red Sox) hit the ball she screams, "YAY, NUNU!". Too funny. I'm sure Uncle Daniel doesn't mind being mistaken for a Red Sox player.

Hals- You've gotta download "Come All Ye Weary" by Thrice. I love it.

Well, I've gotta go collapse on the couch for a bit.

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