Sunday, October 26, 2008

Another exciting weekend at the Swank household. Yesterday Josh took care of the house and girls so I could get some much needed rest. The doc prescribed Vicodin to help with the pain (yes, it's that bad) so that knocked me out anytime I took it. I only ate biscuit top and a few bits of plain oatmeal yesterday and then threw that up. This morning when I had been up and around for a little bit, the pain became unbearable. So back to Urgent Care we go. I'm barely able to talk to the doctor without wanting to burst in tears. He said my ear canals were red (ear infection?) and that I have ulcers (about 20) in my mouth. Ha! I could've told him that! He gives me a z-pak, some kind of steroid and a medicated mouthwash that is beyond disgusting, but works. (Imagine swishing rubbing alcohol flavored glue around in your mouth. It's made me gag every time.) I was able to get to the store late in the afternoon but only because there was nothing (literally) to eat in the fridge or cabinets. Sooo...not like I had a huge choice there. Josh has been my saving grace when it comes to the house and such. He's done such a great job and it's going to be so nice to get up tomorrow morning to a clean house. Thanks, Babe! You're the best!

1 comment:

Meg said...

Hey Brit,
I hope you are better soon! Let me know if you need anything.