Monday, February 2, 2009

The biospy results are in and...

they're normal. *sigh*

Here is my email to Dr. Mellick regarding our appointment today:

What a nice guy! He explained how pooping works. He said he doesn't think there is anything serious going on because biopsy results were fine. He thinks she can't relax to go poop (but that doesn't make sense to me because she's never had a big, hard, painful poop that would make her want to hold it). He had a urinalysis and blood work done today to check things and she's having an abdominal u/s tomorrow Downtown. He said to stop EryPed (Erythro replacement) because eventually you build a tolerance up and he wasn't thinking it was working anyway. Doesn't think she has DGE because she doesn't vomit on a regular basis. Gave us a script for Neurontin to fill if the blood work and u/s are fine in thinking that this might help desensitize her pain receptors (he said she could be hyper sensitive).

I need to know your thoughts on all this. Do I keep pushing for answers? Should we keep the appt in STL? Do YOU think there is something going on? You gave her a rectal exam and could feel she was full of stool, could she get anything out from that? No. Am I crazy? When is enough enough? When do we stop?


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