Thursday, January 29, 2009

Still waiting...These people must have no idea what this is like. Having to carry the burden of something possibly being terribly wrong with your infant, testing for it, and then having to wait until they feel it's convenient to share the results- it's just cruel! I've baked and chopped everything in sight. I've baked gobs of mini muffins, two batches of homemade granola bars (so much better than store bought, super easy, and without all the horrid preservatives), chocolate chip cookies (I even froze dough balls to have for another time), and angel food cake. Our dinners have been superb and semi-lavish (compared to the normal spaghetti and macaroni and cheese). I've actually caught up on the laundry. The girls had their bath. I'm doing all I can to pass the time but I'm running out of things to do! *sigh* I guess I'll keep waiting...

Tonight were going to the Hereford House to celebrate my moms birthday. I'm really looking forward to their amazing food! I saw they had a lump crab and asparagus salad and a four berry one. Mmmmmm! I think I'll pass on the meat tonight, though. I've had it a few times recently and am in the need of a break. I do love me some veggies!

I'm starting to get my plans and lists together for my vegetable and herb garden in the backyard. Not to mention the flowers! I can't wait for Spring to come bless us with its presence. I long for the mornings where I can run to the back porch in my robe and smell the dew while I'm picking my fresh basil for our eggs.

So this is where our journey ends today. Thanks for, reading. I'll post results as soon as I know them!

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